Holistic stress management for organisations

Create a happier, healthier and more productive workforce by identifying and addressing systemic sources of unproductive workplace stress. Build sustainable productivity.

Rebalance the positive-negative stress dynamic

Workplace stress and burnout have reached epidemic levels around the world. A stressed workforce exposes businesses to financial, legal, operational and reputational risk; and diminishes productivity, problem-solving and creativity. 

At the same time, organisations need positive pressure in order to perform and grow. By bringing greater balance into your systems, you can drive down negative stress and harness growth.

Address stress from both top down and bottom up

On their own, individual wellness interventions don’t meaningfully improve employee wellbeing.

According to William J. Fleming, author of large 2024 Oxford University study on the impact of a range of wellbeing programmes on workers:

“I find little evidence in support of any benefits from [individual wellness] interventions…Organisational interventions appear more beneficial for improving well-being.”

By finding and addressing sources of negative workplace stress within your organisation, you can both maximise your investment in wellbeing and unlock a healthier and more productive workforce.

The Stillness Organisational Stress Assessment

The Stillness Organisational Stress Assessment (SOSA) is a proprietary assessment tool based on research and insights from HSE, APA, and NHS, as well as behavioural models like SCARF and ADKAR. It helps organisations like yours to identify sources unproductive and productive stress within their systems.

Based on six key attributes

SOSA provides insights around the six attributes most likely to cause negative stress when either over- and under- expressed in a system.

Customisable questions

SOSA allows for added questions so that organisations can consolidate surveys where needed.

Designed to evolve narratives

SOSA is the first step in creating a more positive stress mindset in the workforce. The survey has been carefully created to this end.

Future benchmarking

SOSA incorporates data on stress across industries and generations to provide fresh insights.

Change your organisation’s stress narrative

Simply shifting the way people view stress is not enough to address the causes of chronic negative stress within a system.

That said, a pro-stress mindset has been proven to reduce the ill effects of stress on health and improve workplace performance.

As a result, changing the organisational stress narrative and shifting workforce mindsets around stress should play a critical role in any stress management plan.

Get in touch

If your organisation is seeking to improve its management of workplace stress, we’d love to talk to you.